The Nature of My Life


Describing oneself is a difficult task fraught with illusion. The self is a constantly changing entity, despite my best efforts to pretend otherwise.

As you journey through the pages of this site and others I have produced you'll travel to many states of mind and ways of being.

Mike de Sousa


I was born on 29 September 1961, Saint Michael's Feast Day, in the Shrubbery Maternity Hospital, Basingstoke. My early life was complicated, and when eight months old I was placed into care. I and my two sisters spent time with various foster parents within Hampshire. My memories are few and fragmented from that period. My mother and father found life very difficult for different reasons, and neither were able to take care of us.

When I was three and a half, my father's twin sisters decided we three should be brought up together.

My sisters and I each dealt with the insecurity of our early years in different ways. My energies were spent pursuing music and other creative activities, and the unconventional background of living with two aunts who had arrived from India shortly after partition as young teachers, and who experienced prejudice, taught me a great deal about tolerance and the wider world. My circumstance gave me a thirst to learn about the differences between us, and the things that bind us together.

My aunt Merlyn who was the linchpin of our new family unit, a strong, warm and beautiful woman, died when I was fourteen. My mother died when I was nineteen, and my father, who had tremendous potential that was never realized, when I was twenty three. My aunt Connie later flowered after her sister's passing, and continued to encourage me unconditionally in all my creative pursuits.

My First My Last
Wilderness and Stars


The following presents an historical overview of my achievements to date. More detailed information about my current work is available on the Works page, and a detailed listing of my work gifted in perpetuity is presented at My Creative Estate.


general approach

Meaning and expression carry equal importance in what I make. I often combine ideas, visual art, and music to form a single multi-faceted artwork. The language for example I use for an artwork's title works together with the sensory experience of it. The artwork's title is as much a part of the completed work as the music, art, or poetry. Put another way, art is not supplemented by language, but becomes one with it.

My work is most usually expressed in a short form that is accessible to a broad audience. I try to express myself directly, powerfully, and simply. 

music ~ 1975 to present

The Gentle Shore

I starting playing piano at six after encouragement from my aunt, and was soon supported with free instrumental tuition throughout my schooling as a result of a music scholarship funded by Hampshire, my local county in England. I also learned to play guitar, cello, and percussion. The head of music of my comprehensive school suggested I orchestrate my compositions that were performed at the end of year concert. At sixth form I was given the opportunity of directing and composing original musicals, and soon after leaving, was awarded my first commission for a forty minute flute and piano composition for dance. These acts of kindness and support became the foundation of my creating public art for all to enjoy.

I have composed over one hundred works for voice, guitar, piano, five piece band, and for orchestra.

art ~ 1984 to present

The Nature of My Life

Despite my love of art as a child, it took many years before I found the confidence to share my work more widely. I have used traditional media (pencil, oils, and watercolour), but since 2008 I have embraced the use of digital art. Much of my visual art work is characterised by the use of vibrant colours, a painterly approach, and strong textures. 

writing ~ 1972 to present

Throughout my childhood I had a complex relationship with writing because of my dyslexia. I grew up in a period when 'bad spelling' was judged negatively by the education system, however this did not deter my interest in literature and ideas.

Sleep · Unknown

As I sleep

I wake the world of my unknown

The sound, light, and feelings that by day are pushed

Back into the shadow of my nameless self

A place of meeting

Of love


Of fall and flight

I embrace my undiscovered land

Of dream and other place

My unremembered sleep

The fragments of a life less lived

When open to the push of path

Beyond my body's grasp

I sow the seed to make

My realm


I first wrote poetry as a child, and this later combined with my music into song writing. I became drawn to Latin American writers and magic realism, and wrote the novella The Burial of Georgio Sánchez which received notable reactions that spurred me on. I began to broaden my writings in the early two thousands to include social and environmental online publications like The Rights of Living Things, before creating extended publications that combine music, story, and art like 2045 AI and Encyclopedia Utopia, all present my interest in developing the short form that attempts to be accessible, yet enriching.

photography ~ 1982 to present
Shadow and Light

I began taking photos after a journey to the Welsh mountains of Snowdonia. The landscape was so beautiful, so powerful, I needed something of the experience to remain.

When taking photos of nature and landscapes I use a monopod rather than a tripod as I find the moment of best light moves so very quickly. You'll find a select few of my photos at Public Art World.

website publications ~ 2000 to present

Well over twenty five websites from single pages, to many hundreds. Many are listed on the Works page, and Art Lover VIP acts as a hub for my prominent online publications.


Creative Freelancers: a free directory that connected clients with independent creative professionals (2000-2018).

Founder and Director of Our Town, a community arts project with 500 contributors and 10,000 visitors (1997-2000).

Founder and Director of 'Musicality', a music workshop programme for schools, colleges and universities (1995-2002).

Teacher and Music Workshop Leader (composition, piano, guitar, percussion) (1981-2002).

Composer, Teacher and Musician for Modern Dance including London Contemporary Dance Theatre (1985-1991).

Dance Accompanist ~ Piano and Percussion (1983-1989) working with:

Professor Marisa O'Neill, Webster University, St Louis (USA); Michelle Benash, New York Ballet; Daniella Lorentze, Ballet Rambert and Paris Ballet; London Contemporary Dance Theatre Company Residency Member; Extemporary Dance; Mantis Dance Company; Sadlers Wells; Festival Ballet House; Pineapple Studios; The Actors Centre; The Place Theatre; Essex Theatre Umbrella; South Yorkshire Arts (UK).


Create A Perfect Website I have designed websites for over twenty years. Many rank as first place in Google. Services include website usability, branding, graphics, site design, SEO, and copy-editing.

Co-Founder and Creative Director of 2BrightSparks (2004-2015).

2BrightSparks Pte. Ltd. is a company that develops and sells utility software used by millions of individuals, small businesses, corporations, non-profits and governments around the world. The renown Windows freeware program SyncBackFree features on this site on the Freeware page, along with OnClick Utilities and InfoHesive EP. I retired from 2BrightSparks in September 2015 to dedicate myself to the creation of art, music and literature.

Website Critique Services: a consultancy that provided extensive feedback and advice to clients about their websites (2000-2004).

"Full of marvellous things…" Martin Secker and Warburg

All Content © Mike de Sousa 2024 | Art Lover VIP